Course curriculum

  • 1

    Intro and Tools and Supplies

    • Kit Tools and Supplies and At Home Essentials

    • Intro and Tools and Supplies

  • 2

    Pretzel Recipes

    • Pretzels. Monkey Bread, Garlic Knots and Pretzel Dogs

  • 3

    Making the Dough

    • Knead!

  • 4

    Watch These Videos While the Dough is Proofing...

    • Monkey Bread

    • Garlic Knots

    • Pretzel Dogs

    • Pretzels!

    • Water Bath

  • 5

    Once your dough has proofed for about an hour - nearly double in size - then it will be your turn to make your pretzels and other treats!

    • Wrap-Up